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UX Designer & Researcher



As a part of earning my UX Designer certificate on top of my degree at Boise State University I had to take a course on Introduction to Human Computer Interaction. Over the seven week course i was responsible for studying and applying UX Design Principles for the purpose of creating a medium-high fidelity prototype of a custom login flow for a storefront webservice. Each week of the course focused on a different one of seven UX Design principles such as affordances or constraints which I then had to apply to my design. Over the seven week course I employed many different UX design techniques and strategies such as user journey mapping, user profiles and interviews, low fidelity wireframing with paper prototypes and finally tasked with creating a prototype using the Figma and Figjam. In Figma I learned how to create accessible designs with adequate feedback using both original asset creation as well as employing library assets for the final prototype.

 Click for a Link to my prototype:

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